A sacrificial metal anode is used to protect critical metal components in a salt system swimming pool. They can also be used in pools without salt systems. The sacrificial anode is connected electrically (either through direct contact or by use of a wire) to the metal to be protected. In a salt pool for example, a pool heater core will normally tend to corrode as a result of being in contact with the pool water. If this heater core is connected to a properly designed sacrificial anode, the anode will tent to corrode and transfer electrons to the heater core. At the interface between the pool water and the heater core these electrons will create a chemical reaction that protects the heater core. The heater core, in this case the cathode, attracts electrons produced by the corroding sacrificial anode. The electrons react at the surface of the heater core with elements in the water. This reaction protects the heater core at the expense of the sacrificial anode. This transfer of electrons from the sacrificial anode to the metal to be protected is referred to as Cathodic protection.